In this article, on the materials o the Uzbek language, the speech features of subordination are studied through lexical and syntactic units.
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Библиографические ссылки
Yigitaliyev, U. (2022). OLАMNING KONTSЕPTUАL MАNZАRАSI VА UNING LISONIY-GRАMMАTIK TIZIMDА VOQЕLАNISHI (“shахs” kontsеpti misolidа). FILOLOGIYA UFQLARI JURNALI, 11(11). извлечено от https://hp.jdpu.uz/index.php/hp/article/view/7216
Yigitaliyev, U. (2022). OLАMNING KONTSЕPTUАL MАNZАRАSI VА UNING LISONIY-GRАMMАTIK TIZIMDА VOQЕLАNISHI (“shахs” kontsеpti misolidа). FILOLOGIYA UFQLARI JURNALI, 11(11). извлечено от https://hp.jdpu.uz/index.php/hp/article/view/7216
Yigitaliyev, U. (2022). “SHАХS” LINGVISTIK ZАRRАSINING LEKSIK SATHDA АSSОTSIАTIV VOQELANISHI. FILOLOGIYA UFQLARI JURNALI, 11(11). извлечено от https://hp.jdpu.uz/index.php/hp/article/view/7241
Yigitaliyev, U. S. (2022). The Semantics of Affirmative-Negative Sentences in the Uzbek Language and the Expression “Personality" in It. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION IN NONFORMAL EDUCATION, 2(4), 78-81.
Yigitaliyev, U. (2021). THE ROLE OF THE LINGUISTIC ATOM “PERSONALITY” IN THE PHILOSOPHICAL REINTEGRATION OF THE LANGUAGE SYSTEM. Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal, 2(11), 384-390.
Yigitaliyev, U. (2021). Cognitive Analysis of Morphological Phenomena in the Uzbek Language (in Associative-Verbal Aspect). International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 3(2), 249-252.
Yigitaliyev, U. Cognitive Analysis of Morphological Phenomena in the Uzbek Language (in Associative-Verbal Aspect). International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 3(2), 249-252.
SH. SH.Mаhsutаliyеvа
Ключевые слова:
methodology, creativity, written work, cognitive education, independent hinking, text.Выпуск
Раздел: Статьи