Biz smartfon maʼlumotlarini yaxshilash uchun qoʻllash muammolarini hal qilamiz.Universitet muhitida oʻqitish va oʻqitish tajribasi. App Inventor yangi boshlovchilar uchun mobil ilovalarni yaratuvchi veb-platforma. Bir nechta maʼlumotlarni bogʻlaydigan intuitiv mehanizm, maʼlumotlar manbalari va shaxsiy maʼlumotlarni tahlil qilish vazifalarini avtomatlashtiradi.
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Библиографические ссылки
B. Alexander. Going nomadic: Mobile learning in higher education. Educause review, 39(5), 2004.
T. M. T. Do and D. Gatica-Perez. Contextual grouping: discovering real-life interaction types from longitudinal bluetooth data. In Mobile Data Management (MDM), 2011 12th IEEE Inter-national Conference on, volume 1, pages 256–265. IEEE, 2011.
M. dAquin, A. Adamou, and S. Dietze. Assessing the educational linked data landscape. Pro-ceedings Web Science, 2013.
Javlon, K., & Erali, M. (2023). STRUCTURE AND PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION OF FULLY CONNECTED NEURAL NETWORKS. International Journal of Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research, 136-141.
Ramazon M., Abdusattor B. MIKROSKOP YORDAMIDA HUJAYRALARDAGI QON VA OQ QON HUJAYRALARI SONI BOʻYICHA BEMORLARNING SOGʻLIGʻINI ANIQLASH //International Journal of Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research. – 2023. – С. 133-137.
D. Kelly, B. Smyth, and B. Caulfield. Uncovering measurements of social and demographic behavior from smartphone location data. Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 43(2):188–198, 2013.
E Mustafoyev
O Nuraliyeva
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App inventor, texnologiya, dasturlash tillari, mobil ilova, axborot tizimlari, platformalar, Xcode, React NativeВыпуск
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